Wednesday, June 5, 2013

10 Things I Hate Most

It's Tuesday, which is the day of the week that says, "You're almost half way there, but life still hates you." So, I decided to write about the things that bother me the most because well, I should have an excuse to's Tuesday, remember?

1. When it's someone's birthday (most importantly, mine), and people comment "Happy bday." Are you kidding me? Happy freaking bday? I can't get an extra "irth" in there? How lazy are you??

2. When I walk into a classroom at Ohio State, and people speak to me slowly.
3. Also, when I get in a car accident, and everyone drives by shaking their head while looking at ME. I don't care if it was my fault...

4. When dogs run up to me as if we are soul mates running across the beach towards each other, and then turn away when someone or something catches their attention. I didn't think you were cute anyway.
Okay, I lied... COME TO MAMA

5. That people don't understand that I HAVE to be on the left side of a photo being taken. Yes, "bad sides" do exist, and mine is due to my extra chubby cheek on one side of my face.

6. That skinny ass girls don't understand why people get pissed about them posting tweets/facebook statuses/Instagram photos on how their "losing weight" by eating healthy or working out. You still look exactly the same while I'm sitting here like

7. When my friends think something is going to happen with their booty call/friends with benefits partner.

8. That people don't understand that I am perfectly fine with my addiction to television shows.

9. That I can't finish this list because I don't know if I'm dramatic enough to actually hate ten things. I wish I was, I really do.

10. And finally, I hate that I just had cereal for dinner because I can't afford an actual meal.

Now, some of you may think that my list was a little whiney and unreasonable, but whatever. I probably won't always hate these things, or maybe I will, but again...whatever. I'm extra sassy today because Tuesday is the worst possible day of the week. And I don't know why I am explaining myself because this post is over and whatever. I'm getting cheese fries.

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