Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Be the Chaser, Not the Chased

So, I have had this blog for well over a week now, and I'm unsure of how well it's doing. By that, I mean that I don't know if I actually want to keep it or just start a secret journal/diary, which would only be for my little Asian eyes. Still debating...

But in the meantime, I decided to write about something that has been a significant part of my personality for a long time now, and that is that I am always the chaser, almost never the chased. Sure, that's normal for a man. I'm not sexist or anything (and for those of you that know me well, that's clear), but there's this line that I read once. It went something like this: "Men are supposed to make the first move. You don't see the egg swimming up to the sperm; man the f*ck up!" ...That wasn't quoted perfectly, but you get the point.
Anyway, this has always been brought to my attention, whether it be by family, friends, or even strangers. The other weekend I was out for a birthday celebration. There was a dog running around in the house, and so I chased her and then picked her up (yes, it was a she). The dog gave me little kisses, and so I gently sat her down. Next thing I know, some drunk Frenchman starts shouting, "LOOK! Just like a girl! You got what you wanted, and then you were finished with her." I was appalled by his accusation, and then took a minute to think about what had just happened. This metaphoric situation would've worked a lot better if the dog had been a boy, but that's beside the point. I responded with, "Is this definitive of who I am as a person?" Of course, everyone around the room laughed at my ridiculous question, but I was dead serious.

I wish I could use real-life examples without using a dog as my "chased" reference, but all of you know too much about my love life, or lack there of, and I could never risk it! But why is it that I like so much to be the chaser and never the chased? Here's my theory as to why I choose to be this way (or am naturally this way):
  1. When you are the chaser, you get to choose when it's over. And if you don't, then that's okay because you pursued that person in the first place. You can't always get every single person you want. And if you go into chasing someone with knowing this imperative information, then you will never be disappointed.
  2. Snowballing off of number 1: When you are the chased, that means the person who is chasing you is basically only interested in you for shallow and few reasons. They probably don't know you well enough to truly have intimate feelings for you. So with that being said, they might get to know you and hate the person you are. Sorry to be blunt, but that's how it usually works out. If you are the chased, don't feel flattered in any way...you won't be chased for long.
  3. Also, when you are the chased, more often than not, you won't even be slightly interested in the person who is chasing you. That's disappointing.
  4. (This one is for the dominating nature of any females out there): If you are the chaser, you feel like you have the power to make things happen.

Many of you may be reading this and thinking: Wow, you are a terrible person. But turn that fluffing finger around and point it at yourself. YOU, my friend, are the terrible person. It's our psyche that makes us this way--wanting what we can't have, and then realizing we want something or someone when it's too late. Now before I end this post with my douchey comment I have prepared, I highly recommend being whichever suits you more as an individual. If you are timid and boring, but slightly beautiful, be the chased. If you are crazy, goal-oriented, and energetic, be the chaser. I personally believe I interchange between the two. I just happen to enjoy being one over the other.

Douchey comment: Don't hate tha playa, hate tha game. DEUCES

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