Thursday, May 16, 2013

Screw Being Professional

Yesterday, I decided to leave one of the two internships I had accepted this summer in Los Angeles, California. I know--really unprofessional, right? But before you begin to judge me, listen really closely (then you can look down on me).

There were two main reasons I wanted to leave:

1. The business itself was really small (only two paid workers and the boss) and it seemed pretty shady to me that they had more interns than workers. And for people who are in the Public Relations industry, they were not friendly at all (the owner of the company/boss lady said out loud that she didn't want to take on a potential client because not only was she big, but she wasn't pretty at all).

2. My internships count as course credit at Ohio State, and I have to pay to technically take those courses. And when I found out this week that I wasn't going to receive as much financial aid as I had hoped for, I knew I would need to find the time to work and make extra cash for my stay here in LA. Plus, paying to get credit for an unpaid internship is just ridiculous in the first place. And I'm expected to pay for two unpaid internships? Are you shitting me?

Those two reasons were big enough for me to decide to say "Screw being professional!" I'm not going to name the company that I was interning for (I'm not evil); all I can say is that they were not pleased AT ALL with my decision to leave. And I understand why. They scolded me on responsibility and, of course, professionalism. But what does "professional" really mean?

Although things didn't work out, I am so happy at my other, and now only, internship. My internship is for a marketing company that is preparing for a huge tour to endorse a client's product. A few people will be traveling to places like Bonnaroo, Warped Tour, and the X Games this summer. So, we are looking for potential brand ambassadors to join this trip. Yesterday, I went through around 50 people's head shots and resumes for a casting that's taking place tomorrow.

First off, I don't know how many times I gasped at my screen when some weird/creepy man's face popped up. And then a woman sent me a photo of her in some sleazy bra. Like, what? Also, I now understand why people worry about their resumes. You're only supposed to send a one-page resume, guys. Never send a business your resume in point-16 font so it is five pages long. Those people were not professional. How the hell could someone have called me unprofessional?

Yeah, I'm still upset with my old internship if you can't tell. I like to present myself in a respectable manner (most of the time), so it's difficult for me to accept the fact that someone is disappointed in me. I understand it didn't look good when I told my internship company I wasn't staying with them, but I was unhappy and it was really affecting my perception of Los Angeles. So, I'm going to say it one last time...Screw being professional!

(Note: I actually do think it is generally important and beneficial to be professional, but there will be times when you slip up. You can't always please everyone, and I think it is most important to first please yourself. And if you just read that sexually, I don't blame you, you unprofessional freak.) 

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