Tuesday, May 14, 2013

New Blog Name

Sitting near my boss, I secretly type away for what she believes to be for her. When in reality, I am stressing out about my blog name. "The Young Life"...really, Lindsey? I thought the idea was pretty cool because everything I come up with that deals with part of my name seems brilliant. Like most of you know, my middle name is Young. I know what you're thinking - "You're so punny." I am. I really am. 

But then I realized how poor of a name that was once I tried searching for my blog through Google. The only links that appeared before me were sites affiliated with the Christian ministry that reaches out to adolescents.
I feel like I should have expected that... So, I have decided I need a new kick ass, original, top of the line blog name. Unfortunately, the creative part of my brain has disappeared. I'm blaming it on the fact that I am in full intern-mode, and the only thing I know how to be is an obedient peasant/slave. Basically, I don't think for myself. Therefore, I need help. Shoot me ideas, people!!

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